Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am just not sure how this is happening...I have for all tense and purposes 3 hours to myself each day and I am utterly exhausted and have even less time than ever. I am suppose to have more time especially since everyone is on a somewhat normal schedule and children are in the same vicinity. What is happening here?!? All my big plans are just not going as planned. I hate to say how many hours have been spent in doctor's offices in the last week between two well child visits, a new patient visit to an ENT, and an excruciating visit to the eye specialist at the big "University" hospital in our area today. Then, there has been the chauffeuring Mike around as we attempt to get Herbie back on the road with his engine adjustments and wheels. There has also been the frantic sprint to complete the renovations enough so that the building and electrical inspector could come out and do a final inspection. Oh, dear! Good news is that we passed the inspection and the Certificate of Occupancy should be in the mail. Bad news is we still have lots of renovation work ahead and Ryan now needs glasses. Good news is the glasses got ordered today and it appears that he has enough "ear" to rest his glasses on and his BAHA band will secure it enough to hold the glasses in place and I have had an opportunity to have lots of waiting room "one-on-one" time with my boys.
Wish I could fast forward to Thursday and Friday as we have nothing written on the calendar except a trip to see the circus (part of Ryan's birthday gift)... Aaah...Calm mornings ahead, perhaps!?!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Marking the 2011 Calendar!!

God is good! The six figure digit is no longer the figure we are looking at for Ryan's surgeries. It does not appear like we are going to have to move, get a second mortgage on the house, nor will I have to go back to work...All scenarios that have been running through my mind since we started the entire process. Yes, we will need to cut back and be even more mindful of our spending, but we can do it!!
Ryan is scheduled to have his surgeries on February 23, 2011 and June 17, 2011. For each surgery, we will need to be in So. California for 2-3 weeks. At this point, the entire family will go back for the June 17th surgery and we will use that as our summer vacation. Although we need to be there for this length of time, each surgery is outpatient and there are a few days even a week between appointments. Depending upon the doctor's recommendation, we might be able to travel up to my sister's place (San Francisco area) a be there for close to a week. A third surgery will have to be scheduled with a different doctor at a later time in 2011 to implant the BAHA screw. So exciting to have the dates in place and reserved. Ryan is excited although he doesn't seem to grasp the concept that he will still need to wear his BAHA.
That is the update and we are thanking God every chance we get for this blessing!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Drum Roll, Please....

Although we never got the banner flying behind the airplane with our answer, we feel called to move forward with Ryan's surgeries. So, that is what we are doing. We are going to begin walking through those doors, all the while praying that God will shut the doors if this is not how we are suppose to proceed. We are excited and a little apprehensive all at once. We have contacted the dr's. office and are awaiting an answer regarding our insurance. Once we have that information, we will begin making the decisions necessary. Thanks to all that have prayed alongside us!!